Friday, May 31, 2013

How to find the best phone sex operator

Surfing the internet for a way to get off live can be daunting. We've all be there (we'll, you've all been there) horny, desperate and willing to settle for whatever comes our (your) way.

Gentlemen, when it comes to phone sex, please, take your time. The Quality of your new phone sex operator should never be compromised by the need to "just get off". If you're going to spend your money, take your time, choose wisely and then you're sure to have the best phone sex experience of your life. You will likely call that same phone sex operator time and time again, unless of course variety is the spice of life for you and you want to fuck a lot of girls. Which, we will certainly accommodate.

A few things to consider. How long a company has been in business. How easy their contact information is to get to including a phone number to reach a real person. Always check the "About Us" section of a companies website to get that information.

When you dial a phone sex girl for the first time, don't be afraid to ask a few questions. Your questions however should not be something like, "So baby, what are you wearing", as if we haven't heard that before.

Anyway, if you have a particular fantasy or fetish to share, do so before the call to make sure your girl jives with you on the same sort of fantasy. Believe it or not, I've turned plenty of guys down for things I just didn't dig. It happens.

It helps if you're a nice guy. Don't be a jerk, don't act like we owe you something..we don't. We are here to service all of your needs, but we do that for a price, although, at times, I know I should have been the one paying. Mmm. Those princess phone sex calls are the best.

So, what have you learned?

1. Be nice
2. Share your fantasy, don't worry about being judged.
3. Be prepared with your credit card
4. Relax and let us do the rest.

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